I made this, for some reason. It's not like the internet lacked a guide on how to watch Marvel Cinematic Universe in order. It's just that they are shit. Going through a series in an in-universe chronological order is never a good idea. Yes, you should not read Silmarillion before LotR or Hobbit either. You will have yourself a brand new brain aneurysm. This is not a watching order though. It's a flowchart. While the primary concern was the release order of stuff, the essence of it is that it indicates where, in my opinion of course, parts of MCU become relevant enough. That is when you should watch it at the latest - and most of the time at the earliest. This timing is most important for the movies (grey) and the TV series (blue for Agents of SHIELD, orange for Agent Carter). Since Netflix series (green) are released in a lump fashion and have fairly contained - and, in-universe, older - stories, there is a larger window for them. I have simply put them where I thought it would make most sense to watch. Without further ado, here it is: Two things should be noted here. Note #1: This is incomplete. Jessica Jones has just aired, and while it was a great series, there is no hurry to watch it yet. The third season of Agents of Shield is also still underway - though its first half is about to end with the winter finale next week. As far as I recall, there haven't been a crossing point yet, so you are free to watch it after Ant Man. If you don't skip it that is, which is the note #2. Note #2: There are skippable stuff in there. Of course there is. You can just watch the movies and you will have a good time, no plot holes, nothing unexplained. MCU is good that way. But you will miss hell of a lot of good content. You can skip some of the movies even - Hulk, Iron Man 2-3, Ant Man - these up for debate, but it is almost universally accepted that Hulk is an acceptable skip. It has a different actor, it's a shit movie, and it has no connection other than Hulk itself to the rest of the narrative. So, that's it. My grand contribution to world culture. My name will be remembered for centuries. It's been a while since I last updated this site. Shame on me. In the meantime left my job and returned to school to finally finish it and graduate. That's why nowadays I am constantly reading articles and writing essays and preparing presentations. I will even probably need to do some actual social research this month. Exciting stuff, right? Right. I have a couple of projects underway, or at least in a "pre-production" stage. Sort of. There might be a podcast. There might be a game. There will certainly be some more posts here - my brain has gone full on sociologist for the last several months and I will make use of it damn it. Oh, I'm also learning Dutch. Very slowly though. Like one-test-a-day-at-Duolingo slow. But I'm enjoying it. I've already learned how to say good morning! (The title.) So here's my grandmother looking out the window, listening to bach, thinking about meatballs, cause why not: This is also the background of the site now. Cause why not.
Dag. |
January 2016