![]() So. New Year, finals, lotsandlots of games, TIGSource Musical Challenge, GGJ 2013, and some more games - result: a very neglected website. Many things I've forgotten to mention. Let's go chronologically. Once it turned out that the world wasn't ending on the 21.12.12, I decided to release an album under my own name, comprised of various acoustic-medievaly tracks I've made for Archstone and other games, called Cascading Waters. Along with it I've retired the name Polimat, since it wasn't getting much action and doing power progressive metal with synthesized guitars didn't prove to be as rewarding and enjoyable as I thought it would. This doesn't mean I don't like what I've done under that name or I won't do metal ever again. Therefore I've compiled a kind of a bestof of three Polimat EPs and a couple of new songs under the album Chronicles. These two releases, along with some miscellaneous tracks such as covers, are now residing in store.dogacyavuz.com. Since the Polimat is over, I've turned polimatmusic.com into store.dogacyavuz. There isn't much for sale in there, these two albums and the covers are currently free to download, but I plan to use it as a venue for other projects in the future. After that, I had to suffer through my finals. But I also managed to enter two TIGSource challenges, one before my finals, one after. If you don't know what that is, the TIGSource Musical Challenge is a chain of challenges in the TIGSource audio forum that has been happening for close to a year now. The winner of one challenge goes on to set up the next one, and it goes on. The one before my finals, the last challenge of 2012, had the theme Overworld. I took it as Overspace, in some way, and composed a loop with three layers - Ambient layer plays constantly, and the Danger and Combat layers go on top as needed. It was a neat idea, but I feel I didn't really hit the theme and it had an inherently sloppy presentation, but I enjoyed working on it anyways. Here it is: The other challenge was right after the new year, and because of my finals I had just a couple of days before the deadline. This time the theme was Hot, and I decided to go very, very cliche and do an exotic, oriental piece. I managed to be chosen to the top three with this one, and I'm really proud of it, but one of the other two finalists, a Western track that is brilliantly composed, was so good even I voted for him. Here's the topic for the Challenge XIX if you want to give it a listen, and here's my piece, Through The Dust: And then came the Global Game Jam. It was an awesome, awesome weekend at the BUG. A very sleep deprived week but still managed to be awesome. I teamed up with two great guys on Roby, a robot with a beating heart that he is reluctant to part with; I supplied audio and music to two other games, Schizophrenia and Hearts on the Line, both made by other great guys; and everyone had a pretty much awesome weekend where people are lying on giant pillows, travelling between the sleep world and the real world, gazing upon the giant that is Istanbul and debating mechanics, game design, food. Here's a summary of the work I've done over two days, but make sure to check the games out at the Istanbul GGJ page. That brings us to today, or relatively close at least, and it's very possible it will be the first day of another long, silent, neglection-full era. Let's hope not.
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January 2016