The part that I own in Into the Box, that 3.8%, is a music track, that is hidden deep in the unlocks menu. Today Talha released the soundtrack album for the game, and it contains my track, so it was my duty to sell it to you. Because it's free.
Also I should mention, Into the Box is fairly authentic, and it's not like many other games. The only obvious comparison was Super Hexagon, and many established (and non-established) publications that featured Into the Box has made that comparison. To death. So all you should do now is first, visit Kayabros' website, go play the game on, download the soundtrack, and preferably pay a couple of cents to both in the process. Thank you for your time and endless monies! You obviously know this post contains sarcasm and exaggeration! Among other silly things! Don't hate me or the game please! Bye now! Comments are closed.
January 2016